Saturday, April 5, 2014

       I started writing this on March 3rd 2014; 403 months to the day after our wedding. 
 Sue & I are heading west in a meandering Pop-up camper named Neda, at the end of May. We are going to visit all the thin places between here and there and back again.  The first part of this mythical travelog is to tell you about the mural we painted on the side of our camper.  It's a profile of Bob Marley with Long gray dreadlocks blowing back in the wind.  He is depicted as old and gray as he would look today if he were still alive, and he is alive. He is the same age as Sue & I. (He is really 69 years old this year) Also in the mural sticking out of his mouth is a long spliff pointing into the wind with a whirling trail of sparks haloing his hair with tiny spiraling universes.  Do you think we are setting out on the right foot?

 One  Love         

1 comment:

  1. For the freshest lettuce, stop at one of the farm fields in East Texas at the crack of dawn. Get out of the car and crawl on all fours into the field and eat a fresh watery dew-laden head of lettuce right off the cool living stalk like a woodchuck would. Ya just can't beat it. Have Sue take pix and share.
